The Jaw Dropping Benefits of CBD Oil
The Jaw Dropping Benefits of CBD Oil

About Benjamin



Through much of my life I have been an active person trying to be mindful of my health.  As I went through college and early adulthood I found myself becoming even more curious to gain more knowledge to aid and assist in my overall health and wellness.

I quickly found out that there is an incredible about of information available but sometimes just channeling through it can be very challenging.  I also see where out of the box thinking is not always encouraged.

As a happily married father of a 5 year old, my wife and I became even more engaged in taking an out of the box approach to health.  We were not just responsible for ourselves but another person who was solely dependent on us for everything.

Being A Father Opened Many Doors of Information

I began opening doors to a wealth of information and often learned of great proactive solutions and treatments (specifically for many day to day conditions and ailments). The treatments were less invasive and could avoid many side effects of medications that are often pushed on to us in the mass media and mainstream healthcare.

What I learned didn’t just apply to our young child but also for adults like me. I felt compelled to be able to share access to information and products that can be life changing for others there that are looking for solutions.

I Want To Share What I Have Learned With You

From chronic pain to insomnia and beyond, many people feel like there may be no solutions beyond the harsh medications that are pushed onto us that also carry nasty side effects.

There is an epidemic of abuse and addiction to many prescribed medications, fortunately there are some natural solutions that are safe and effective.

At I want to share empowering information and  products utilizing CBD Oils that may be a possible solution for many of those symptoms that are far too common.

By the way, you may be thinking “This is really cool, what type of job do you have”?  Well funny you might ask.   I am actually an independent health insurance broker.  Lots of insightful information as it relates to healthcare.  Feel free to check out my site at  I work with folks across the country (in multiple states & will continue to expand) if I can be of assistance let me know.


I look forward in sharing the journey with you as we seek to get the best of our health.


All the best,



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