Buying CBD Oil

34 posts

The Difference Between CBD Oil, CBD Tinctures & CBD Extracts

[ABTM id=588] People typically get confused with wording and labeling with CBD Oil.  There are a number of common terms that come up and too often it can lead to confusion. CBD Oil VS CBD Tincture VS CBD Extracts.  Whats the difference between CBD Oil, CBD Tinctures & CBD Extracts?  […]

Do Not Buy CBD Oil On Amazon

Buying CBD On Amazon? | Don’t! Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t.

[ABTM id=588] Amazon is the leading online retailer.  The amount of items that are available for sale is mind blowing.  If you live in certain cities across the United States, chances are that you are seeing Amazon delivery trucks in your area.     Nonetheless, you may be tempted to seek […]